FAQ | 常見問題

1. I have one kid, if I buy this E-Learning program, is that means Mother Father and my kid, 3 of us can learn the golf together?

Yes, absolutely. The U.S. Kids Golf mission is to encourage Parents and Kids to build a long lasting memories and have fun learning golf. This E-Learning program already include 1 set of Teaching Material with Certification for your kid.

1. 我有一個孩子,如果我買了這個電子學習課程,這是不是意味著父母和孩子三個人都可以一起學習高爾夫球?

是的,完全可以。U.S. Kids Golf的使命是鼓勵父母和孩子建立長久的回憶,並享受學習高爾夫球的樂趣。這個電子學習課程已經包括了一套教材和證書,供您的孩子使用。



2. I have 3 kids, and I would like 3 of them learn golf together. How should I buy this E-Learning program for them?

Step 1: Purchase the E-Learning Course here;

Step 2: Purchase the Extra 2 Kids Add On Set @ www.hkgolfcoaching.com ;

Step 3: Fill in the Registration form @ www.hkgolfcoaching.com.hk/studentregistration

2. 我有三個孩子,我希望他們三個一起學習高爾夫球。我應該如何為他們購買這個電子學習課程?






3. I have 1 kid, but my cousin / nephew / any relatives / friends would like to learn together, can they all use my account?

Sorry no. We suggest your account only be shared within your own family. Any of your relative should buy a new account. Even for certifications, we will only allow certify the kid within the family.

3. 我有一個孩子,但我的表兄弟/侄子/任何親戚/朋友也想一起學習,他們可以共用我的帳戶嗎?



4. My son is now 2 years old only. Can I buy the E-Learning for him?

Yes. You can buy now and watch the videos. However we recommend the kids can start try to play golf when age 3 and onwards. The U.S. Kids Golf comes with a First Putter and the shortest golf club at 36” height to start with

4. 我的兒子現在只有2歲。我可以為他買這個電子學習課程嗎?

可以。您現在可以購買並觀看視頻。不過,我們建議孩子在3歲及以上開始嘗試打高爾夫球。U.S. Kids Golf附帶的第一支推桿和最短的高爾夫球杆高度為36英寸,適合初學者使用。


5. My daughter is 21 years old, can she join the E-Learning Program?

Yes of course. We welcome any age, any one who would like to try learning golf.

5. 我的女兒現在21歲了,她可以參加這個電子學習課程嗎?




6. Once purchased, how long can we access the course videos?

If you have purchased 1 course then you can access for 1 year. If you have purchased 5 courses then you can access all of them for 5 years.

6. 購買後,我們可以多久訪問課程視頻?



7. I don’t have any kids but simply a golfer. I see your E-Learning Course covers the entire aspects of golf. Can I still purchase it?

Yes very welcome. You will still receive the Teaching Materials and access to the videos. However we may not be able to provide you the Certifications.

7. 我沒有孩子,只是一個高爾夫球手。我看到你們的電子學習課程涵蓋了高爾夫球的所有方面。我還可以購買嗎?



8. My kids has played golf for several years, his handicap is XX, can he still join your E-Learning?

Yes of course. We have covered all aspects of golf especially we included knowledges from TPI which is regarded as the most competitive and science based knowledge to play golf at the highest performance level. We are sure you will learn much more things here.

8. 我的孩子已經打高爾夫球幾年了,他的差點是XX,他還可以參加你們的電子學習嗎?




9. (Continue from last scenario) Can I only buy Level 5?

We recommend you to purchase the entire Level 1 to 5. It is because we cover many basic principles at different levels. Some of the high level techniques require you to master some of the techniques you learnt from the lower level.

9. (從上一個情境繼續)我可以只買第5級嗎?



10. (Continue from last scenario) Can my kid get all Certifications?

Yes. As long as you have joined the E-Learning, and fulfilled the requirement of passing for each Level. You will get your Certifications accordingly.

10. (從上一個情境繼續)我的孩子可以獲得所有證書嗎?



11. My son is learning golf from some other Golf Academy or Coaches, can I still join this E-Learning?

Yes of course. There is no conflict at all. Here this E-Learning Program is delivering you the 2 Best Golf Learning Program in the World: U.S. Kids Golf and Titleist Performance Institute. They both come with theories and principles that all golfers should be able to follow.

11. 我的兒子正在參加其他高爾夫球學院或教練的課程,我還可以參加這個電子學習課程嗎?

當然可以。這裡的電子學習課程沒有任何衝突。這個電子學習課程為您提供了世界上最好的兩個高爾夫球學習課程:U.S. Kids Golf和Titleist Performance Institute。他們都提供理論和原則,所有高爾夫球手都應該能夠遵循。


12. I have purchased your E-Learning Programs and I encountered some difficulties while learning, what should I do?

Please feel free to Whatsapp us: +852 95243050 or Wechat: Frankie268. Tell us or film us your problem and we will definitely try to help you out.

12. 我已經購買了你們的電子學習課程,但在學習時遇到了一些困難,我該怎麼辦?

請隨時通過Whatsapp聯繫我們:+852 95243050或Wechat:Frankie268。告訴我們或拍攝您的問題,我們一定會盡力幫助您解決。


13. What language do you speak in the E-Learning?

Right now we are speaking in Cantonese in the videos, with Subtitle you can choose include Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English. Even if you don’t speak Cantonese, by reading the English or Chinese and watching the video should be able to understand.

13. 在電子學習中使用的語言是什麼?



14. Any new languages?

Yes. We are working on speaking Mandarin and English, will implement as soon as we can.

14. 有任何新的語言嗎?



15. My family will move to another country soon. Should I buy this E-Learning later?

You can still buy this now. This is why we created this E-Learning. You can learn anywhere, anytime to continue having fun learning golf with those motivations to your kids.

15. 我的家人即將搬到另一個國家,我該等到那時再購買這個 E-Learning 嗎?

您現在仍然可以購買。這就是我們創建這個 E-Learning 的原因。您可以隨時隨地學習,以便繼續享受在這些鼓勵下孩子學習高爾夫球。


16. What type of facilities should I start?

Another flexibility given is that, you can watch our videos from your mobile phone or tablet, anywhere. You can start at any types of driving range, indoor golf simulator, or even at home if you have the space to setup a hitting net, like the one we are using in our videos.

16. 我應該從哪種設施開始?




17. There are many golf videos in Youtube, IG, etc, why do I still pay for this?

There are many reasons we strongly recommend you to try here because:

- we provide motivations to your kids

- we provide games so your kids will love to keep learning, and you can play these games with your kids to build good memories

- Many myths in those social media. These information, some of them are correct but many of them are really wrong

- Learning priority could be wrong

- Most of these videos already assumed you made certain mistakes. But if you follow our coaching videos you will understand the fundamentals and will not have these mistakes at all

- Many techniques were introduced however they could be irrelevant or dangerous especially to kids

- Many videos may over emphasis for getting more traffic, it may not necessary at all in the reality

17. 在YouTube,IG等平台上有許多高爾夫球視頻,那我還需要花錢買這個嗎?


- 我們提供了鼓勵孩子有樂趣地繼續學習

- 我們提供遊戲,讓孩子們喜歡繼續學習,家長也可以和孩子們一起玩這些遊戲,互動和建立美好回憶

- 這些社交媒體上有很多奇怪的信息。其中一些是正確,但許多是錯誤的

- 學習的重點可能是錯誤

- 這些視頻大多數已經假定您犯了某些錯誤。但如果您遵循我們的教學視頻,您將理解基礎知識,並且不會犯這些錯誤

- 許多技巧已被介紹過了,但它們可能與兒童學習無關或具有危險性

  1. - 許多視頻可能過度強調某些技巧而為了獲得更多的流量,但在現實中可能並不必要。