
Have fun!

是時候鞏固您從 1 級到 3 級學到的所有技能和知識了。我們的視頻向您展示了所有不同高爾夫技能的準確動作,現在您的擊球應該非常準確。 完成這個級別應該足以去高爾夫球場了!

Time to consolidate all skills and knowledge you have learnt from Level 1 to 3. Our videos show you the exact movements in all different golf skills and your shots should be very consistent by now. Completing this Level here should be good enough going to golf course!

確切解釋: 身體揮桿與連接
Exact Explanation on BSC
身體揮桿與連接是實現穩定擊球的必要條件。 Frankie 教練將分享所有必要的細節,您將能夠掌握它。

The Body Swing Connection is a must to achieve consistent solid impact with the ball. Coach Frankie will share all the necessary detail with you and you will be able to master it.

12 個常見錯誤
12 Common Mistakes

TPI 確認了大多數球手的常見錯誤。 其中一些不僅會導致擊球不準確,還會導致潛在的受傷風險。 Frankie 教練會告訴您必須避免什麼。

TPI has identified the common mistakes for most golfers. Some of them may not just lead to inconsistency but potential injury. Coach Frankie will show you what you must avoid.

Let's Go & Play!

這級別教授了所有必要的擊球技巧,以及大多數情況下你需要的技能組合。 擊球前準備例程也涵蓋。 是時候享受和體驗高爾夫的真正樂趣!

This level has taught all necessary techniques on striking the ball, and the skillset you need to most of the situations. Pre-shot routine also covered on your shots preparation. Time to enjoy and experience the real fun of golf!


Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Full Swing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Videos
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Level 3 Summary
Available in days
days after you enroll

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