
A Significant Improvement Ahead

級別 1-3 為您打下穩固擊球的基礎,此級別將使您的能量傳遞更有效。 這意味著更多的距離和更多的樂趣!

Level 1-3 giving you the foundation of solid impact to golf ball and this Level is going to make your energy delivery more efficiently. Which means more distances and more fun!

Unlock Power Golf Mystery

誰不想要力量? 每個高爾夫球手都希望擊球更遠。 這個級別將解開最重要的知識。

Who doesn't want Power? Every golfers want to hit the ball longer. This level will unlock the most important knowledge.

Read the Lie
接下來要考慮球是如何躺在草地上。 我們將向您展示最大機率地提高擊中球的機會,要明白相關的知識和注意事項

The next thing is to consider how the ball lie on the grass. We will show you the considerations and methods to get it out and maximise the chance of solid impact to the ball.

Need Better Equipment?

通過向您介紹如何打更遠的距離和精確控制,您可能會發現您需要更好的設備。 我們就給大家更深入的了解球桿規格知識。

By introducing you how to hit further distances and precise control you may find you need better equipment. Here we will give you more in-depth knowledge of the club specification knowledge.

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