
Becoming the Gold Star Player

本課程的最後一級將向您展示傳遞給高爾夫球的力量的最後一點謎題——地面力。 我們將一起總結您到目前為止所學的內容,並將它們放在您在高爾夫球場上的每一次擊球的步驟中。

This Final Level in the Program will show you the last bit of puzzle of the Power delivery to the golf ball - the ground force. Together we will conclude what you have learnt so far and put them in a steps of every shots you make in the golf course.

All Power Sources

誰不想要高爾夫的力量? 在這裡,我們將介紹您身體的所有動力來源,並在您揮桿的距離內產生最大距離。

Who doesn't want Power in Golf? Here we will introduce all the power sources from you body and generate the most distances from you swing.

Final training

我們將解釋這個培訓工具的所有秘密。 課程和背後的科學。 完成後,意味著您已經在高爾夫揮桿力量方面打下了最堅實的基礎。

We will explain all the secret of this training tool. protocol and the science behind. When this completes, means you have built the strongest foundations in golf swing power.

Your Reward

完成第 5 級後,您將收到您的證書、成就徽章和這個:金星 球手大金幣。 是黃金做的嗎? 你會知道的!

Upon completing Level 5, you will receive your Certification, Achievement pins and this: the Gold Star Player Big Gold Coin. Is it made of Gold? You will find it out!

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